Just like in any foreign city, tourists, particularly vulnerable American students, need to look out for themselves. Here are specific tips to stay safe in Buenos Aires.
Try to always call for a "remis" or "Radio taxi", especially if you are alone. Don’t EVER just get into a taxi cab as a solo female unless you are absolutely fluent and sober. When you call for a taxi, the company assigns a taxi to get you, so the driver is documented and held accountable for his actions.
Check out this article for more taxi information: http://landingpadba.com/taxi-scams/
Around town and in your 'hood
Avoid speaking loudly in English while in public
Try not to carry your laptop around or flash expensive electronics
Stay aware of who is around you and walk confidently
Don't walk on isolated streets late or night or early in the morning, even with a few friends
*Always firmly close the door to your apartment building/house after entering, don't leave the door open even if it will eventually shut itself*
Boys and Men
Argentine guys are more forward and aggressive than American guys, so be prepared. Don’t take any drinks from guys, no matter who they are, unless you watched the drink get poured. To get rid of an annoying creep just remember these few phrases:
"No me toques" - Don't touch me
"Que chamuyero que sos!" - Sarcastic, what a smooth talker! You are calling them out and they will leave.
"Ahora viene mi novio/papa/guarda espaldas" - Here comes my boyfriend/Dad/ body guard
Safety in Numbers
Always make sure you and your friends are looking out for each other and keep track of where everyone is. If you go out in a large group, it is likely that you will split up, but always make sure to have someone you know in sight, and discuss beforehand how you will be going home.
True Emergencies
If you ever have an emergency, CALL THE US EMBASSY! You should memorize their number, and put it in your phone (54-11-5777-4354 from 8am to 5pm, all other hours’ call 54-11-5777-4873). That means that if you are in any situation which might involve the police, danger, or whatever, call the embassy! They are EXTREMELY helpful and have consuls specifically designated to help U.S. citizens abroad.
Trustworthy taxi companies:
Taxi Confianza : 4864 6184
Taxi Barzola: 4636 1306
Pidalo Taxi: 4956-1200
Central Remis: 4964-2000